NAAC 'A' Accredited | Affiliated To Bangalore University | AICTE Approved

St. Francis de Sales College


Date of Event(s) 28-12-2023 TO 29-01-2024
Department/Association/Cell/Committee NCC
Venue (Mention the platform if it is online) NEW DELHI
Number of Participants 02
Target Audience 2500
Resource Person(s) with qualification(if applicable) UNDER THE GUIDANCE OF ASSOCIATE NCC OFFICER CAPT. SAMPATH KUMAR R
Place of visit/ details of Industrial Visit place(if applicable): NEW DELHI
Event Coordinator CAPT. SAMPATH KUMAR R

On 28th of December 2023, RDC camp was held at New Delhi.

A total of 2 cadets from SFS degree college belonging to 1/1 COY ARMY WING of 1 KAR BN NCC attended this camp namely Senior Under Officer Tharun D took part in the PM Rally and main commentary box while Cadet Ajay was a part of the GOH team. The camp took place from 28th of December 2023 to 29th of January,2024. The journey started with us heading towards DG NCC and reaching on 28th of December, 2023 there we set up our barracks and then the following day we had the YEP written test in closed auditorium followed by the Guard of Honour selections on 30th. All 12 cadets got selected from our directorate. We then had 4 days of practice sessions which included the Vice President visit on 5th, Chief of Naval Staff visit on 6th, Chief of Air Staff visit on 8th, Chief of Army Staff visit on 9th and Chief of Defence Staff visit on 12th of January,2024. We also had the YEP DST and Delhi Dharshan on 14th where we visited the national museum, India gate, kartavya path followed by national war memorial and rajghat. This camp also included visits from Chief Minister of Delhi, Raksha Rajya mantri, Raksha mantri and DG NCC. We then had 6 days of practice for Prime Minister rally in K M Cariappa parade ground. YEP, group discussions also took place. On 26th SWs had kartavya path followed by the Guard of Honour for Prime Minister on 27th of January,2024. We then had the closing address on 29th. It is indeed a prideful moment to our cadets in being part of RDC 2024. A hearty congratulations to you dear cadets. We would also like to congratulate and appreciate all the cadets who took part in this camp. Cadets took part with great zeal of enthusiasm.

We would like to thank our CO Col. M R Suresh, AO Lt. Col. Ravindra Singh, SM Vinay Thakur, Principal Rev Fr Binu, Vice Principal Rev Fr Jijo Jose and our ANO Capt. Sampath Kumar R for providing us the opportunity to take part in this camp.

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