St Francis College Bangalore | St Francis de Sales College, Electronics City


Although young people around the world are more and more likely to pursue formal education, upon graduation they often find that they are not adequately prepared for the world of work. Because skills relevant to key growth sectors of the modern economy – both technical and “soft” skills – are often not covered in traditional education systems, employers often find a “skills mismatch” between the competencies youth need to succeed in the workplace and those they actually possess. So the major motive to provide the capacity building and skill development at St. Francis de Sales College was for overcoming this challenge by providing a platform.

1. Soft skills

Soft skill training is provided to the students to understand the role of listening skills in effective communication, expose students to neutral accent, and acquire decision making, problem solving and assertive skills. Seminars and workshops are organized for the students to enhance their presentation skills, inter-personal skills, team building, emotional intelligence and decision making.

2. Language and communication skills

A Language Lab is run by the English department in the college to improve the speaking, listening and learning skills of the students. It helps the students to acquire the ability to speak effectively in real life situations. The institution has English language laboratory which has 60 systems with required accessories and software. The objective is to enable students to attain fluency and proficiency in professional communication and to meet the growing demand in the field of global communication. It enables students to improve their lexical, grammatical and communicative competence through the self- instructional, multimedia and language learning software.

3. Life skills (Yoga, physical fitness, health and hygiene)

Our institution gives immense importance to Yoga and meditation. Every year International Yoga Day is observed in the institution. Trained yoga instructors from outside the campus are invited for conducting both theoretical and practical aspects of yoga for students and faculty members. The sessions are conducted in the yoga hall.

Physical Fitness
Institution has a Gymnasium which is equipped with cardio equipments like, Treadmill, Bicycle ergo meter; strengthen equipments like, bench press machine, shoulder press machine. It has 6 stations multi gym. Gym is opened to the students under the strict monitoring of the Physical Director.

Health and hygiene

(i) Health Centre
Institution has a health center with an in-house nurse to take care of immediate medical attention. The college is also attached to Vimalaya for medical emergencies.
Free general medical health check-up is provided to all the students and staff every year. In spite of this regular awareness program, health and hygiene programs etc., are organized in the campus by the health club.

4. ICT (Awareness of trends in technology)

The technological advancements in the real world impose the students to be aware of the utilization of new technologies. The curriculum is revamped yearly once to incorporate the courses with respect to awareness of the trends and current skill requirements. In addition, the students are able to be aware of the current trend technologies by the following ways.
• Guest lectures are conducted for the students by eminent personalities from academic and industries. Students understand the current technology and demand.
• Seminars, Workshops, Hand-on trainings, Symposiums are conducted.

SFS College