NAAC 'A' Accredited | Affiliated To Bangalore University | AICTE Approved

St. Francis de Sales College

Continuous Internal Assessment Rules

As part of the Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA), the St. Francis de Sales College conducts two examinations in each semester. While the first is the First Internal Examination of one-and- a-half-hours duration, the second is the Model Examination in view of the end semester University Examination for a duration of three hours (CBCS-Repeaters) and two-and-a-half hours (NEP). These exams are conducted strictly in conformity with the University pattern (in terms of question papers, seating arrangements, timetables etc.,).

The pass mark for each subject is 40%. To compute the IA grades, weightage is given to both the internal exams. The Assessment marks are also made available on the college portal – Linways Technologies to enable parents or guardians to monitor and keep track of their ward’s progress and performance.

Information with regard to the performance in the First Internal Exam is communicated to the parents/guardians during the Parent-Teachers’ Meet organized a couple of weeks after the First Internal Examination. The academic performance of each student is discussed between the class teacher and parent/guardian.

The scheduled dates of the CIA Components including Exams are announced in the college calendar. The time table is announced at least 10 days ahead of the commencement of the examination. Attending the exams is mandatory. Prior permission needs to be taken from competent authorities to be absent for the internal examinations.

A candidate should have a minimum 85% attendance in all the subjects to be permitted to write the Internal and Model Examinations.

30 marks assigned for internal assessment shall be divided into the following components:
For CBCS-Repeaters, 30% marks are allotted for internal assessment (UG & PG). In alignment with the norms of the Bangalore University, the internal assessment marks shall be based on attendance, assignments, seminars, first internal examination and model examination.

Component Marks Allotted
Attendance 5
Assignment 5
Seminar 5
First Internal Examination 5
Model Examination 10
Total 30

40marks assigned for internal assessment shall be divided into the following component:
For NEP programmes, 40% marks are allotted for internal assessment. In alignment with the norms of the Bangalore University, the internal assessment marks shall be based on attendance, assignments, seminars, first internal examination, Model Examination, Quiz and Case Study.

Component Marks Allotted
Attendance 5
Assignment 10
Presentation 5
First Internal Examination 10
Model Examination 10
Total 40
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