NAAC 'A' Accredited | Affiliated To Bangalore University | AICTE Approved

St. Francis de Sales College


Date of Event(s) 25/03/2024 TO 04/04/2024
Department/Association/Cell/Committee ROVERS AND RANGERS
Venue(Mention the platform if it is online) SFS SCHOOL, HEBBAGODI.
Number of Participants 15
Target Audience 150
Resource Person(s) with qualification(if applicable) UNDER THE GUIDANCE OF NOBAL OFFICER CAPT.SAMPATH KUMAR R
Place of visit/ details of Industrial Visit place (if applicable): SFS SCHOOL, HEBBAGODI.
Event Coordinator CAPT. SAMPATH KUMAR R

On 30th March 2024 the Secondary School Learning Certificate (SSLC) conducted 10th grade examination. On behalf of SFS College Hebbagodi, 8 Rovers & 9 Rangers under the guidance of Rover Scout Leader Capt. Sampath Kumar R, actively participated for smooth functioning of the examination.

As the Karnataka Education Board necessitated examination for better educationally qualified certificate for the bright future of the students, it under took the risk of conducting examination even during these challenging times. Rovers & Rangers played a vital role in helping the students and also all those who were present at the examination centre to have a safe environment for carrying out examination even during these difficult times.

They provided us with lunch and refreshments. We also helped some of the election officers to wipe off the election duty.

We would like to thank our District Secretary AN Narendra Kumar, Principal Rev Dr Binnu Edathumparambil, Vice Principal Rev Fr Jijo Jose, Financial Administrator Rev Fr Robin and Rover Scout Leader Capt. Sampath Kumar R for their constant support and guidance.

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