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Emotional Wellbeing and Coping during the Pandemic: 7 th June 2021 - IQAC and Faculty Enrichment Committee

The orientation session on “Emotional Wellbeing and Coping during the Pandemic” was conducted on 7 th June 2021 for both teaching and non-teaching faculty by - IQAC and Faculty Enrichment Committee Prof. Mamatha, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Psychology-PG, St. Francis De Sales College was the resource person. Prof. Mamatha has specialized in Clinical Psychology and actively involves herself in counselling and also mentoring research students. She engages herself in research works and has presented papers at national and international Conferences.

The resource person started the session explaining about various emotions one can feel and moved on to the topic - being mindful. She then explained how mindful living can lead to reduce stress and involve in each and every moment of every one’s life and how to maintain a moment-by-moment awareness of our thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations and surrounding environment through mindfulness. Investing one’s energy in being mindful is the best one can do for oneself, she quoted. The program was helpful to the faculty in understanding mindful living and reducing stress through living a calm and purposeful life amidst the pandemic.c

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