ST. FRANCIS DE SALES COLLEGE not only believes in the holistic development of the students but also in the comprehensive development of the faculty as well.
To provide them with an opportunity to evaluate themselves and improve on the fronts where the faculty needs attention, the College has a performance Appraisal System in place for both the teaching as well as non-teaching staff.

For the teaching staff, there are various methods to ascertain their capabilities. As a first step, feedback is taken from the students concerning the teaching skills and the support provided by the staff in their learning process. The criteria on which the students evaluate the faculty include preparation and quality of teaching, communication skills, remedial teaching skills, availability and approachability, ability to inspire and motivate, respect and concern for students, ability to generate and facilitate discussion during the class, referring to the library and reference materials to widen the students' knowledge and the teacher's hold on the subject.

A self-appraisal form is filled by the staff which covers the areas like research, academical accomplishments, SWOT analysis of the self and the result analysis of the subjects they handled. Later their self-appraisal forms are evaluated by the HODs/Coordinators and the same is forwarded to the Principal. The Principal also evaluates the staff based on their performances and a one-to-one meeting is also called in to discuss the areas of improvement.

An overall analysis of all the analysis is consolidated and the faculty is rated for their performances on various capacities. This rating is communicated to the staff and the staff use it as a reference to improve their performances on various fronts. Thus, the evaluation system has a 360-degree appraisal aiding in the holistic development of the staff.

For the non-teaching staff, the same set of procedures is in place as the teaching staff. First, the students provide feedback on them. The criteria include punctuality and discipline, availability and approachability, teamwork and leadership, professional demeanour, respect for students, speedy service, technical and communication skills, documentation, office management, professionalism and performance.

The non-teaching staff self-appraise themselves by filling in the forms which include their professional skills and SWOT analysis of the self. The same is forwarded to the Principal. The Principal evaluates and gives suggestions and observations to their development.

During the appraisal meetings, the teaching and non-teaching staff are also encouraged to give their suggestions and observations on the functioning of the institution, which the Principal observes carefully and discussions on the important points are made to improve the functioning of the institution.

SFS College