News & Events

Time Management

"A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life.", said Charles Darwin. To make the students understand the importance of time management, a session was conducted by Prof. Johnson Pereira, Co-ordinator of Commerce Department on 8th February, 2019. The session was held for third year students of "A" section.

The PowerPoint presentation was prepared by Prof. Johnson Pereira, which was shown and explained to the students in the seminar hall. In this session the students were explained why there is a need for time management, process of time management, goal setting, planning, scheduling and benefits time management. A video related to the consequences of following and not following the time management system was also shown to the students.

The session was really helpful for the students as they became aware of the hidden benefits of time management in their life. They also understood that how it can make their life better and creates a positive image in the mind of the other person. They also came to know that it would be helpful in their work life, in order to get promotion and incentives from the employer and get a good reputation at the workplace.
